MontPIRG’s History of Defending Consumers
🏠1981 - 1986
MontPIRG operated a Consumer Hotline which served as an important source of information for consumer problems
MontPIRG was influential in passing the Lemon Law, protecting automobile consumers from footing the bill for substantial defects that the manufacturer or dealership were responsible for
MontPIRG combed through Montana law to create the Landlord / Tenant Guide, transforming complex legal jargon into plain language
MontPIRG administered and reported on surveys concerning the best banking and food services for UM students
MontPIRG defended consumers from exploitative cable companies
MontPIRG represented consumers on the Citizens Utility Advocate Board
MontPIRG held an Anti-Utility Rate Increase Campaign to stop the state from putting the cost of Colstrip on consumers
MontPIRG fought a telephone rate increase
MontPIRG held workshops for renters
MontPIRG worked to include plain language in consumer contracts
🏠1987 - 1991
In the 1991 legislative session, MontPIRG passed a bill guaranteeing renters that their security deposits be returned in 10 days
MontPIRG began the Consumer Guide Campaign
🏠1992 - 2001
MontPIRG created a Tenant/Landlord Hotline as a complement the Tenant/Landlord Guide
MontPIRG fought against Pay Day Loans
MontPIRG continued distributing Tenant/Landlord Guides and information
MontPIRG began the Credit Card Campaign, and effort to stop credit card companies from targeting students and prevent the Alumni Association from selling students names to credit card companies
MontPIRG worked in the state legislature and on campus to ensure tuition and college affordability
MontPIRG fought against predatory lending
Facing budget cuts to the university system, MontPIRG sent student lobbyists to the capital to defend affordable education and revitalized its campus campaign for tuition affordability
MontPIRG student lobbyists fought against multiple bills in the 2017 legislative session that would restrict renter's rights and exploit tenants
MontPIRG student lobbyists worked tirelessly in Helena to support Net Metering and vital privacy protections