MontPIRG is organizing to protect Montanans’ guarantee of a clean and healthful environment.

Protecting our Outdoors

“I’m in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition, even some affection. But with Montana it is love. And it’s difficult to analyze love when you’re in it.” - John Steinbeck

There is no doubt that what we have in Montana is special. Whether is the flowing rivers filled with trout, the wide prairies in the east, or the towering mountains in the west - Big Sky Country is set apart from the rest. That's why MontPIRG has worked tirelessly for over 35 years to protect the wild places from the out-of-state companies that seek to pollute, destroy, and exploit her beauty. 

If you would like to learn more about MontPIRG’s various environmental work, please sign up for and check out our Environmental Newsletter by clicking the button below, and then don’t forget to keep scrolling to learn more about the BCSA!

Support the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act!

The Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act

What is it?

The Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act (BCSA) is a federal bill introduced to Congress by Senator Tester that would expand federal protection of the Bob Marshall Wilderness and the surrounding area to further timber, recreation, and conservation goals. The bill adds an additional 80,000 acres to the Bob Marshall, Scapegoat, and Mission Mountains Wilderness Areas; opens 2,013 acres for snowmobile access and 3,800 acres for hiker and mountain bike access; calls for an updated comprehensive trail plan for snowmobilers; enhances timber and forest protection around Seeley lake; and requests that the National Forest Service study new recreation opportunities made available by these protection expansions.

Why does MontPIRG support it?

MontPIRG knows the BCSA is in the best interest of the state of Montana, because it will expand federal recognition and protection of the natural and scenic beauty that makes Montana such a special place. Most importantly, it is supported by Montanans of many backgrounds and ideologies. The fact that wildlife conservationists, snowmobilers, backcountry skiers, ranchers, and loggers can come to a consensus on this issue is no small feat. It is a testament to the need for and the quality of the BCSA.

What can I do?

To get the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act (BCSA) passed it is imperative that we show our support! Since it is a federal bill, it could be easily overlooked if we don’t put in the work. In the past, there has not been enough momentum to get this bill over the finish line; however, the playing field has changed, and the ball is now in our court. If we all work together, we can pass the BCSA this summer! So, we are asking you to show Sen. Tester that you support the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act and tell him to keep fighting for Montana. Comment using the button below!

Looking for more ways to help?

By supporting MontPIRG, you will ensure that we can continue to fight for the protection of Montana’s rich wilderness. We empower the next generation of civic leaders to create change, and by donating today, you can too.

Thank you for your support of MontPIRG and Montana!